April is National Financial Literacy Month
April is known as both National Financial Literacy Month and National Financial Capability Month. And when it comes to finances, both literacy and capability are important concepts, as one implies knowledge while the other implies action. In other words, you understand your finances and your options and you can choose to take action according to your best interests.
At Third Eye Associates, we recognize that money has two sides, technical and personal. We also recognize that understanding your finances and creating and nurturing healthy financial habits are ongoing processes. Two of the most important “tools” we use to help clients are the cash flow worksheet (technical) and the Money Autobiography (personal). The cash flow worksheet is designed to help you understand where your money is coming from (income), where it is going (taxes and expenses), and whether you are running a surplus or a deficit. This powerful exercise often elicits an “a-ha” and helps in the process of becoming more intentional about spending and savings.
The Money Autobiography is designed to illuminate that which lies under the surface of your thoughts and feelings about money. The Money Autobiography almost always leads to a depth of understanding about where patterns, habits and thoughts come from, and has proven to be an indispensable tool in our clients’ journeys of becoming financially literate, financially capable, and financially empowered.
If it has been a while since you have looked at your cash flow worksheet and/or your Money Autobiography, we encourage you to do so. It might just be a catalyst for positive change. As always, please reach out to your Third Eye team if we can assist you in any way. You can contact us at: info@thirdeyeassociates.com.
Happy spring, happy National Financial Literacy Month, and happy National Financial Capability Month from your team at Third Eye Associates.